
Korean Manager Claims Pakistanis Are Ruining Waseem’s Career By Taking Advantage Of Him


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They often say that the only sport in Pakistan that will ever produce legends is cricket, and they’re somewhat correct. Sportsmen in other categories do their best to excel in their fields, gaining international reputation and laurels, but are somehow still forgotten.

Everyone must remember the days when Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan’s only professional boxer in the limelight, won the WBC Flyweight championship. After his two days of fame and a long list of promises by the government and others to support him, Pakistan has yet again, forgotten the boxer from Balochistan.


Muhammad Waseem is to defend his WBC Flyweight title against Daigo Higa in January, and his manager says that Pakistanis are just using Muhammad Waseem for their interest, they take no pride in him. Waseem’s manager and promoter Andy Kim, from South Korea, says that one of the worst decisions of his life was to sign Waseem.

He says so not because Waseem isn’t a capable boxer — he says so because Pakistan never really got behind the boxer. “It’s really disappointing that none of the people who want to take photos with him would actually support him financially. As Waseem mentioned in many interviews, his own people just want to use him to promote themselves and their companies,” Andy Kim told ARY Sports.

“This is impossible in other countries. I get the feeling that even if Waseem wins the world title, they would stay the same. Waseem should stop meeting them, taking photos with them, or even talk to them because he is just being used,” he added.


Andy Kim believes that Waseem’s progress and potential are both hindered due to the lack of interest Pakistanis take in boxing. However, when it comes to supporting an already established boxer, we are ready to back Amir Khan, but not Muhammad Waseem.

“TV stations need to purchase the rights to broadcast his fights. Private companies need to sponsor funds and rightfully put their logos on the ring or Waseem’s outfit to promote their companies. Trust me, taking photos with him and posting them on Facebook won’t help because everyone knows you’re using him and not actually helping him,” said Andy.



“Think about Manny Pacquiao and how his success benefitted the whole country. One star can change a lot of things. No one’s asking for charity. If you put your money into it, then you can really use his fame for yourself. Please don’t try to steal all the hard work in a sneaky way. Every time I talk to any Pakistani to negotiate, they all disappear when it’s time to discuss money,” he concluded.

Andy had previously been of the opinion that if the boxer was not promoted by Pakistan and appreciated for what he does, he might move to another country that does appreciate his talent and hard-work. As for now, Andy still thinks there’s time for Pakistan to accept its mistake and appreciate Waseem for all that he has done, and will do.

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