
When Would Our So-Called Patriotic Politicians Update The Education Curriculum?


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I would rather not comment on this year’s MDCAT. Many people have talked about it and I feel that they’ve summed up the situation well. I want to talk from a bigger perspective. I want to talk about the education system of Pakistan.

First of all, I’ll start from the books that we are being taught in our schools and colleges. Speaking of the Matric and FSC course, these books sometimes make me question the higher authority. Why the hell on earth do you teach these books to students? I mean these are the same old books that were studied by our teachers and parents. For God’s sake, it’s 2017. The world is revolutionizing with such a rapid speed. Why don’t  you change the curriculum according to the modern era?

For example, there’s a chapter in Urdu named, “Mawaslaat k jadeed zaraye” which says that the world is revolutionizing at such a speed that we’ll be able to send pictures in the next 10 years. What time are you living in? We’re living in the era of VR, 3D printers etc and you’re teaching us that we will be able to send pictures after 10 years? Our science subjects are not up to date. We’re still behind the modern world. We don’t know where technology has reached.

Source: Education News

Oh, and thanks to social media, the only form of education that updates our youth on what goes around the world. But what if a student lives in a remote area? He won’t ever know about it. So our books are not meeting the requirements of the modern world. We want to compete with the world but I’m sorry to say we can’t compete with them. We lack innovation and critical thinking. Via such a curriculum, we will never be able to produce the next Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal or Dr. Abdus Salam.

Source: Education News

Secondly, we’ve indulged ourselves in the race of securing the highest marks. We judge a student on the perimeter of his marks. It’s like judging Sachin Tendulkar’s cricket records with Pablo Picasso’s drawings or comparing a Nokia with Apple. Two people on this planet don’t have the same finger prints how can two students be the same? So it’s a humble request to change the perimeter of judging students.

We always say that engineers don’t get the job easily. It’s because we’re producing more engineers than our actual use. We’re lacking experts in many fields. Let a student study what he wants to study.

Thirdly, why can’t we have one education system in our country? The elite class studies through the Cambridge system, while the middle and lower middle class has to study FSC and Matric syllabus. Why can’t we have only one system in our country where you can provide the diversity of subjects. Why? We do always talk about a united Pakistan when our education system is divided?

After we’re done with the FSC or A levels we come to the entrance tests. Don’t you have enough trust in your examination system that you’ve to take the entrance test and that too from the same course which we’ve studied before? We are all aware of the standard and credibility of these tests. I would rather like you to take interviews or indulge students in group activities instead of taking this test all over again.

The criteria should be changed. The education system should be changed. I’d like to request everyone who’s reading this post to please play your part in it.  The stage has been set. Let’s not waste it. We’re the change this education system needs.

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