
Pictures Of Aamir Liaquat’s 2nd-Marriage Valima Are Going Viral And Pakistanis Look Very Jealous!


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Let’s call a spade a spade and accept that Pakistanis are obsessed with marriage ceremonies. The glitz, the glamour, the wardrobes and the function ceremonies, all drive us together to look forward to any occasion that involves free food.

When it comes to celebrities, their marriages, spouses and functions are of the maximum interest for the general public. Staying in touch with such events has become the norm and thanks to social media, the pictures never lag far behind.

Aamir Liaquat Hussain, a man of many different shades, seems to be in the spotlight again. Once an aalim, then a journalist and now a politician, Aamir Liaquat can be called the jack of all trades.


Currently, the reason Aamir Liaquat is trending is that of his second marriage. The news of his second marriage to a colleague from BOL Network, Syeda Tuba Hussain, broke out a couple of months back. However, only today did the viral pictures from their valima (wedding reception) surface on social media.


The ceremony, as per reported, took place at the Beach Luxury Hotel in Karachi, where friends, family and colleagues of the couple joined them for an extravagant evening.

People have been reacting differently to the viral pictures. Some are extremely happy for Aamir Liaquat, while others seem to be jealous. Some have commented on the ‘PTI trend’ of second/third marriages, taking shots at Prime Minister Imran Khan. Others have commented on how Aamir Liaquat should not have wronged his first wife Bushra.


As per rumours, when Aamir Liaquat was the man-in-charge at BOL, that is when the affair between him and his now second wife Tuba began. Aamir Liaquat’s first wife had taken to social media previously as well, challenging that her husband had not married another person behind her back. To her dismay, that news is now a reality.

Some people have also commented on how Aamir Liaquat’s wife is extremely beautiful, taking nothing away from his first wife. Others, have been congratulating Aamir Liaquat and wishing him well on this new journey.

For us Pakistanis, occasions like these become debating topics on how a person should not get into a second marriage, while the first wife is alive and healthy. However, our religion, itself, allows men to marry 4 times, as long as they can keep their wives indifferently. As for Aamir Liaquat, we at Parhlo, wish him luck with his second marriage and pray that the couple does not become the centre of any more controversies.

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