
General Elections 2018 – This Guy Tells You How Every Single Vote Can Make A Difference


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Since elections are approaching, the big question arises, “who do we vote?”, “How can we use our right?”, “How can we save our country?”, “Who is a leader and will be a leader after the election no matter if he/she win or losses the election?” ,“Who will work for us?”

Today, I’m going to tell you that how you can find answers to these questions and can elect a good leader for our nation. It’s been 70 years when Pakistan came into being until then and up till now we are failed to form a corruption-free government. History tells us that the constitution which is being followed was made in 1973 and it is still followed. I admit that rules are good and everything else is good too but the main thing is the implementation of those rules. Whenever we elect a person as a politician, he throws out those rules and regulation into the garbage and does what he wants.

Source: Pak Tea House

Instead of fulfilling the demands and necessities of people’s life (electricity, water, gas and etc) he starts fulfilling his own desires. So now, it’s time for the public to prove them wrong by voting a right person. The first question is “To whom do we vote for”? The right answer to this question is in the democratic history of Pakistan. Take a brief look into the history of Pakistan and see who has actually done some work for the people in his time, who fulfilled the necessities of life, who tried and succeeded in forming a corruption-free Pakistan.


According to me, there is no one who had worked for us and even tried to form a corruption-free Pakistan. If you won’t find answer to that question, move on to the next question which is “How can we use our right?” You can use your right by voting for the right person. Please don’t waste your vote by saying, “There will never be a change”.There will be a change if our people will want to change their country for them. So don’t waste your power.


“How can we save our country”? We can save it by voting for the right person. The next question is, “Who is a leader and will be a leader after the elections, whether he/she wins or loses the elections?” A leader is always a person who never loses hope and is ambitious in achieving the goals. A leader is always known for his honesty, sincerity, quality of work. If a poor nation gets a good leader that will definitely be rich one day because of his hard work. If you won’t get the answers for these questions, if your mind says that there is no one like this (as described above), try for those who never became a president or prime minister.

Vote for those who are promising to bring about a change but they have never become an MNA or MPA in their lives. Give them a chance to do work for the public. Imran Khan is the prime example right now, he never became a president or prime minister of Pakistan but he thinks like a leader, he aims like a leader, he works like a leader.

I would suggest you use your power of vote by voting for the right one who has never become president or prime minister of Pakistan. Right now, if we will not use our power to vote in the right way, after 5 years, we will be in more crisis. Our economy will fall more. Right now, if a dollar is of 121 rupees, after 5 years, it will be of approximately 200 rupees. If you want to see your nation growing, use your right to vote in the right way for the right person.


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