
Simple Steps Required To Make Pakistan Truly A Naya Pakistan…


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Let’s start from the beginning, from where it all started. When we were in school, they taught us that Pakistan is located in the most ideal place in the world. How so? Well, Pakistan has golden soil. Pakistan has the largest canal-based irrigation system in the world. It has the highest paved international road– The Karakoram Highway (KKH). The ‘Khewra Salt Mine’ in Pakistan is the largest and oldest salt mine in the world. The world’s longest glacial system outside the Polar Regions – the Biafo Glacier – is in Pakistan. K-2 (Chagori) is the highest mountain peak in Pakistan and the second highest in the world.

These facts were instilled in every child and grown up in Pakistan, which ultimately made them take these blessings for granted. As a result, they don’t show any appreciation towards these blessings. With lack of gratitude and appreciation comes complacency and laziness. At the end of the day, we end up saying “Jaisi Allah Ki Marzi” (Whatever is God`s will) There is no doubt that nothing happens without God’s Will, but in reality, The More You Strive the More You will get.

So now let’s come back to the point on how much sluggish we have become when it comes to Pakistan. It is really easy to point fingers at others and putting blame on others “Jee Mai Tou Doodh Ka Dhula Hoa Hoon.”(well, I am as pure as the driven snow) There are so many things and issues that we all need to take stand on but we do not because then we have to leave our precious comfort zones.

Source: Reaction GIFs

And we are that type of people who can’t even wait for 5 seconds for signals to turn green. We love to drive on the wrong side because “Itna Lumba Kon Jaye” (Who would take such a long route?). And, we don’t stop there. Right after breaking all the signals, except those where traffic police warden is available, we break dozens of other traffic laws.

When we get to the destination, we say “Is Mulk Ka Kuch Nae Ho Sakta” (Nothing can be changed in this country) and also start complaining about how our leaders are corrupt and fraudulent. Paulo Coelho once said, “You are what you believe yourself to be”. There are so many things that we need to improve and eradicate from our lives, before pointing fingers at our politicians. They are also people like us and also elected by us. There is also the problem that the turnout ratio of voters in the election is also not that good and then we again point fingers.


Everything that our politicians do, is what we are doing. We need to improve ourselves first because every change that we need in our society have to come from within. We say Pakistan is not a clean country, yet when we drive or walk past streets or pathways, we litter the places.

We easily say that politicians are corrupt yet when we get someone who is in need and selling or buying things we take utmost advantage of that situation. We say that police is corrupt and take the bribe, but think about it we are the one who gives them money because we find it convenient than getting a challan. Hazrat Abu Bakar(RA)  said: “You are like your rulers and your rulers are like you”

We say politicians have no empathy, yet when we see someone fighting or in the accident, we stand there and take out our mobile to film it. Then comes the issue of how politicians do not stop at the signals and go in the protocol. Question yourselves do you stop at the traffic signal even if the road is empty? NO! How surprising. As Shehzad Roy said in his song “Good person is who did not get the chance”. We need to change that mentality. Also, Hazrat Umer (RA) said when power, authority, and money doesn’t change a person, they just reveal their true inner self.

We need to start small to make “NAYA Pakistan.” Things like making our area clean, by not throwing trash outside our home or even from a moving vehicle. We should start following traffic laws. People of Pakistan are the most hospitable in the world. All we need to do for the starter is to reflect on the things mentioned above, and then we will see Pakistan rise in the eyes of the world

I think the point has been made that we need to change ourselves before we even expect the change in the country. Small steps are required for change on that magnitude.

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