
13 Reasons Why No Pakistani Student Should Ever Take Admission In LUMS!


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NOTE: This is piece is satire and has zero relevance to truth. LUMS is one of Pakistan’s best and most reputed educational institutions. 

So, for Pakistani kids, the dream is to study at a reputable and renowned university, have an absolute ball while doing so and make some friends that will last till you’re old and gray. Such a scenario is only possible if you study at a high-profile university. And that would be any university, but LUMS.

However, people really don’t know the truth about LUMS and often claim that the university is the best in the country. Well, we got to some fact checking, and to be very honest, LUMS cannot be compared with other Pakistani universities, and we have the proof right here!

1. LUMS has an absolutely ugly campus… who would want to study here?

Source: lums

2. Alumni of LUMS haven’t proven anything, all the studying there goes to waste…


3. The students have zero unity and are always fighting each other…

Source: lums

4. LUMS has the worst visiting faculty… no good teachers there at all!


5. All students at LUMS do is party… they don’t achieve anything!


6. They hate keeping things clean, especially the environment

Source: parhlo 

7. All the students who study at LUMS are selfish.. they only care about themselves!

Source: punjabstudy

8. It is the epitome of ‘boring’ – no concerts, no extra-curricular activities.. whatsoever…

Source: youlinmagazine

9. Sports? Nobody plays sports at LUMS, all they do is sit and get baked!

Source: lums

10. The faculty is only going to make you study… you won’t have time to follow your passion

Source: youlinmagazine

11. LUMS has to be the least adventurous place… the thrill just isn’t there!

Source: lums

12. Students of LUMS can’t even speak proper English…

Source: lumun

13. Once you graduate, you would be worthless in the job market of Pakistan!

Source: facebook 

So, when somebody says, “LUMS mein aakhri rakha hi kya hai?” – make sure you tell them out all these points that make LUMS an undesirable university for Pakistanis to take admission in.

Also, we’re pretty sure that most of you will be able to fathom the satirical tone of the article and understand for a fact that LUMS is indeed one of the best institutes of Pakistan. Our 13 reasons only highlight how LUMS contradicts all the claims people make and works rigorously in producing some of the most talented individuals of the country.

NOTE: This is piece is satire and has zero relevance to truth. LUMS is one of Pakistan’s best and most reputed educational institutions. 
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