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It can be often heard by Pakistanis living in the US that the country they belong from is the hub of terrorism. However, that isn’t exactly the case anymore as 237 school shootings of terrorism have been conducted around different parts of the States with over 500 people losing their precious lives.
In the recent attack on a school in Santa Fe, United States, 8 students and 2 substitute teachers were murdered in cold blood by a young student named Dimitrios Pagourtzis. One of the 8 young people who were killed in the attack included Pakistani exchange student from Karachi whose name was Sabika Sheikh.

17-year-old Sabika Sheikh was studying in the US, under the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) programme since August 2017, and was to return home next month to attend Eid. The tragic incident has left her family and loved ones scarred, as they never expected their daughter to become a victim of terrorism in the US.
Upon constant media coverage, Sabika Sheikh’s parents and her teachers shared incidents from her life and how she was as a person, which is extremely remarkable for a 17-year-old. «Sabika became my friend, she would tell me that many of the kids at her school were lonely,» said Farha Aziz Sheikh, Sabika’s mother, told the CNN.
«There had been a suicide earlier in the student community and that had really shaken Sabika, I didn’t think that I would lose my child so far away … I never thought,» she added.
Sabika’s father shared that the girl was an avid lover of books, a bibliophile. She would spend most of her time reading novels and gaining knowledge, including philosophy. Her favorite writers, as per her father, were Khalid Hosseini and Roald Dahl. Her father further said that Sabika’s namaz-e-janaza had been performed in Sugarland, USA and the family now waiting for her body to reach Pakistan so she could rest in peace, inside her home, her country.
Sabika Sheikh’s school teacher from Pakistan also shared details about how she was a keen learner, an avid reader. «In school, Sabika Sheikh was a position holder. She never came 3rd or 4th, she was always a top student. Her forte was creative writing. She had earned so many medals and certificates for her studies, that it’s an incomparable loss.»
This is how people on internet reacted to Sabika Sheikh’s martyrdom in the US
Sabika Sheikh’s host sister Jaelyn Cogburn, who has attended Santa Fe High for less than a year speaks at her funeral: “It was hard when I started school because I didn’t know anybody, but then I met Sabika. She was the most beautiful, loving person I’ve ever met.”
— Blake Montgomery ? (@blakersdozen) May 20, 2018
My heart & soul are with the natural parents of #SabikaSheikh, her host parents & all our YES Program family. Pakistani friends, forgive us for not taking better care of her. We weep w/ you & pray for comfort as you mourn this unbearable loss. May God have mercy on us all.
— Elizabeth Shuman (@Shuman_E) May 18, 2018
With less than a month until going home to her friends and family, Sabika Sheikh, a YES exchange student from Pakistan, was killed in the #SantaFeHighSchool shooting. If this had happened to me when I was on YES in Jordan it would be «terrorism»-why is it different when it’s here
— Ariel Russell (@russ_ari) May 18, 2018
Shocked & saddened by the tragic death of Sabika Sheikh our Pakistani Honour Roll exchange student in the Santa Fe school shooting in USA. My prayers go to the family – May Allah give them the strength to cope with such an irreparable loss.
— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) May 19, 2018