
Watch How Maryam Aurangzeb’s Mother Guards Her with Six Eggs from the Curse of JIT


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Are you going out? Recite Ayat ul Kursi, my son!

Have you given some coins in charity before leaving for the office?

Beta, please never forget to wear that “Kaala Dhaaga” I brought for you from Peer Sahab.

And much more like that, Pakistani children are tired of hearing from their parents especially mothers! According to them, these things protect you from the evil eye. They also believe that the amount of charity should be directly proportional to the level of fear. For example, a few rupees would be okay if you are going out for the routine work but if you are leaving the home for some special purpose like job or interview, these few rupees change into hundreds or thousands.

The mother of Maryam Aurangzeb – Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting and PML-N’s most active female member, did the same for the protection of her beloved daughter from JIT.

As you can watch in the video, just like every typical mother, the mother of Maryam Aurangzeb is also guarding her against the curse of JIT with the armor of six eggs! Yes, you read that right! I think her mother hasn’t heard of the instructions our old ladies provided us with about quantity of the Sadqa, she would then definitely increase the number of eggs!

Source: Voicepk92

However, Maryam Aurangzeb is an energetic, outspoken and confident member of PML-N. When the Panamagate Case appeared in Pakistan, Maryam Aurangzeb along with other party members defended her leaders in every single press conference. She was even accompanied by Maryam Nawaz when she made her maiden appearance before JIT probing Sharif’s offshore companies.

Some entitled the gesture of Maryam Aurangzeb’s mother as a sign of care while other criticized and bashed her for being so illiterate in this modern era.

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