
Hina Rabbani Khar Gracefully Represented And Defended Pakistan On Famous American Show!


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Pakistan’s ex-foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, is considered one of the most capable diplomats of the country. While she was in office, she managed to benefit Pakistan’s foreign policy and international endeavors.

Recently, Hina Rabbani Khar was on CNN’s live show with Christiane Amanpour, a renowned journalist who keeps a keen eye on South Asia and its politics. Khar had to tackle a lot of different questions thrown her way by Amanpour, but as always, the ex-foreign minister managed to do it with immense grace and logic.


When asked about Trump’s first tweet of 2018, where he announced the end of aid to Pakistan and blamed it for ‘lies and deceit’, Khar said that the tweet was not important, but the importance lied in the person who had said that. A sitting president of the United States, a habitual tweeter, seems bipolar as to what he wants and says.

She said that Trump was incorrect of his claims, as she had the experience of handling Pakistan’s foreign office for 5 years, the country was scarcely dependent on aid. She said that Trump’s tweets depends on which side of the bed he wakes up on.

Furthermore, when Amanpour investigated about Pakistan’s inclination towards China, instead of the USA, Khar said that Pakistan and China have been friends and allies for over 60 years and currently, China is Pakistan’s only ‘real’ strategic partner.

On the issue of the Afghan war, Khar blatantly said that America’s intervention in Afghanistan is to dismantle the link between Central and South Asian countries. It is not for peace and stability, but to create chaos in the region. This step helps the US contain Russia and China. All this, before Khar informed Amanpour that she was not fond of conspiracy theories.

It is good to see Hina Rabbani Khar, even though not holding a portfolio, make so much sense on international stage and represent Pakistan so gracefully.

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