
Mysterious Circumstances Lead To Children Losing Their Lives After Dining In Karachi Restaurant!


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For families in cities like Karachi or Lahore, weekends are the perfect time to come together and dine out. The tradition has been alive for as long as we can remember. For many families, it is the official end of all the worries they face throughout the week – spending some quality time together.

However, not everything goes as expected. Recently, a couple lost two of their young and beautiful children after having dinner at one of the poshest dining places in Karachi. On Saturday night, Ahmed aged 2 years and Muhammad who was 5 years old, went for a night out with their mother, after their father was in Lahore for work.


The two minors, along with their mother, first had dinner at Arizona Grill, Karachi. After having food there, the children and their mother went to Chunky Monkey, a children’s ride place located on Sea View, Defence, Karachi. From there, the children apparently had some sweets to eat.

The next morning, both children succumbed to what is being learnt as ‘food poisoning’ – with their mother being hospitalized. Since the police got involved, the restaurant, Arizona Grill, has been seized shut by the authorities.

Initially, upon the children’s father’s return from Lahore, the family had decided to not pursue post-mortem of the children’s bodies. However, after the police suggested they do so in order to have a clean probe into the matter, the father allowed for an autopsy of the elder son’s body.

As per the mother of the children, the family reached home at around 2 am. By 6 am, both children had started vomiting profusely. Police, since then, has taken samples of the vomit and urine collected of the children from the dustbin situated at their house.


The mother, who was in severe pain of food poisoning and losing her minor children, said that the candy the family had bought at Chunky Monkey amusement park had a very strange flavour. Thus, samples from the amusement park of candies have also been collected for testing purposes.

Senior authorities including the Chief Minister Sindh and Governor Sindh have taken notice of the incident, ordering a diligent inquiry in the matter. Ever since the event took place, news and videos of the incident have gone viral on social media, and there is nothing more than people want than the perpetrators, either the restaurant or the amusement park, to be put behind bars.

Police have also been questioning the mothers’ family members, who the children were living with while their father was away to Lahore on official work. A sad incident indeed.

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