
This 25-Year-Old Pakistani YouTuber Just Bought His Parents A New House Worth Crores And Woah, Inspiring!


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Where most of us are here trying to save every single penny and sobbing at the month end because salary khatam hogai hai, there are some people who save enough cash to buy their parents something extravagant.

YouTuber Raza Samo of ‘Awesamo’ posted on his Instagram that he bought his parents a house and a car and all of this is just extremely inspiring. At the age of 25 where most of us are striving to land on a better job, this guy goes ahead and sets the bar really high for all of us. No doubt our parents invest in us as much as they can in terms of emotions, money, trust and hope, which is why it’s crucial to return them at least a piece of that gratification.

On his Instagram YouTuber Raza Samo penned down his emotions while expressing his love for his parents:

“I gifted my parents a house and a car on my 25th birthday today, I’m not trying to flaunt my assets because these aren’t worth billions, and I’m posting this to motivate you people… this was a dream and my life’s goal… Trust me, If you work hard you will never regret.. Rest of the story would be shared to you in a special one million subscriber’s video… and I couldn’t have done it without your love and support so I thank you all from bottom of my heart.”

Samo is known for his ‘awesome’ work and his witty sense of humor has kept many of us hooked to our screens, whether it’s hilarious song reviews or hysterical Dubsmashes, Samo is never low on ideas on how to keep his fans entertained. His work is like a fresh breath of air in this mundane world of entertainment and it’s hard not to appreciate such talent and hard work.

The entire tale of this young YouTuber extremely inspiring and if you haven’t yet, then you must now start taking notes. In a nutshell, one needs to pursue what they love and work hard to get where they wish to be. You never know, you just just might be the next one to buy your parents a house and a car!

So, if you haven’t seen his work before, then you must check it out and you can thank us later for introducing him to you!

This will certainly lift you up!

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Accident hogaya rabba review #awesamospeaks

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This is accurate AF!

This Kiki challenge review just really takes the cake..

What do you think about this inspiring story of a son doing something so terrific for his parents and this young age? Let us know in the comments section!


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