
Madrassah Teacher Who Beat His 8-Year-Old Student To Death Tells What Happened!


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A couple of weeks back, a story emerged where a Madrassah teacher had inhumanely beaten his 8-year-old student to death. Pictures of the deceased child’s dead body went viral on social media.

Samaa TV went to the police station to record the culprit’s complete statement and this is what he had to say. As per the teacher, the parents of the student had given him laissez-faire to punish the child however he deemed fit.

After the child made continuous errors in his work, the teacher resorted to beating him with his hands and other objects, before the life of the young body faded away.

The unmarried teacher said that he doesn’t get angry, but it was because the parents asked him to punish the child. After profusely beating the child, he fell to the ground. The teacher went and called a doctor, who told him that the child had passed away. His eyes had stopped at one place and his face turned pale.

The sadistic teacher in a bid to justify the murder said that this was ‘written by Allah and it had to happen through my hands’, a statement that would anger any person in our country.

The child used to come to the Madrassah to learn the Quran Pak, and as the anchor asks him, is this what is written in the Quran, to beat little students and aspiring students to death? At this the teacher seemed hazed, but was not ready to take the complete blame.


The teacher claims that whatever happened was a mistake, not a premeditated murder. He narrates an ayat from Quran that says that humankind is prone to making errors, calling himself and others ‘khata ka putla’.

It is people like this teacher that divert our society’s attentions from development, inciting violence and bringing out the mob inside of us. Incidents like these anger the common man, that a teacher who teaches Islam, its code and conduct, the Holy Quran, denies doing something so wrong, calling it a mistake.

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