
Proud Moment For Pakistan As Pope Francis Elevates Archbishop of Karachi’s Rank To Cardinal!


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The white stripe in Pakistan’s flag has often been debated with the rights given to the minorities in the country. However, as of lately, the minorities remain humbled and happy, with all pillars of the state promoting their protection, equality and uniformity with the country.

In the last decade, it can be said that the Christians living in Pakistan have been tormented at the hands of terrorism and other mafias that work to take advantage of their presence. But in all reality, the general populous of the country have always welcomed them with arms wide open.


A proud moment came for the country’s Christian community and all the other religions that settle here when Pope Francis elevated the rank of the Archbishop of Karachi, Joseph Coutts, to Cardinal. The appointment was made during the Pentecost salvation after the Holy Mass hosted by the Pope himself.

In 2012, Coutts was appointed as the Archbishop of Karachi in place of Evarist Pinto. Coutts plays an avid role in the progressive inter-faith dialogues between Muslims and Christians and is a well respected asset of our society. As a doctor of philosophy, Coutts has immense command over languages and can fluently speak several languages including French, Urdu, Punjabi, English, Italian, German, and Sindhi.


Pope Francis announced that the Vatican church was going to select 14 new cardinals, which includes people from Iraq, Pakistan, Japan and Madagascar. «I am happy to announce that on June 29 there will be a consistory meeting to appoint 14 new cardinals. Their origins reflect the universality of the church,» said the Pope.

Pakistanis on the internet were all praise for the Pope for recognizing Pakistani Christians and the importance of selecting a Cardinal from the country. This is how the internet reacted to the celebratory news:

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