Here’s Why We Have Made Education So Difficult In Pakistan

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Supposedly a merit, accessible to all, compulsory to a certain age too so everybody has some degree of education to sustain his life. Now that’s pretty laughable, isn’t it? Because clearly in our country, or better still, our province Sindh, one gets to see the remarkable exploitation of a man’s income and mocks the misery of his melancholic living only with the idea of educating his children in a private school.

I ask, WHY can a father not give his children the education they deserve because it certainly is not something odd the children ask, now do they? Let me enlighten you all with the reason people don’t speak in public of. Schools, especially the private ones, use their brand name to take over a hefty percentage of a common man’s earning with clear discriminatory practices.


The same school, that takes a hell lot of money from a particular province, charges less in the other because the people there had some sense knocked in them and rose their voices against the wrong and unethical? So the school decided, oh, let’s make a compensation and exploit the people in Sindh? Well, how nice would it be if they provided you with just the right teachers?


Sadly, they don’t do that either. Rather, they don’t even bother giving incentives to their teachers to stay lol, hence they too leave. Said that students remain deprived of the subject teacher almost all year round just when they need to give their exams too, I was just another student in the scenario who faced the same.

People, at least the ones blessed with useable brains, need to start supporting the people trying to bring a change if they themselves can’t. Because even the smallest change, can make a big difference. We need to stop surrendering our wealth and ourselves to the unjust demands of the private schools just because they need their brand name and profit to stand out.

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