Constructive Reforms For Education Should Be Framed To Eliminate Camming Culture In Colleges And Universities

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No doubt, with expeditious advancement in the field of Artificial Intelligence and virtual system, the global education system will be dependent on new-fashioned technology which will transform the ideas of students into reality. As a result, students will be having effortless access to assimilate or digest anything with a single touch of their fingers or movement of their eyes.

They will be not relying on their tutors in order to solve any complex problem which will certainly strengthen their inner potential to learn multifaceted issues in short span of time. Therefore, the upcoming education system with blended learning tools will oppose the classical education system in which teachers are solely responsible to maximize the potential of students.

In order to accelerate the progression of the education system of any country, we have to revamp the mindsets of inhabitants living in various regions. It is the role of government to widen the awareness among the masses about the significance of education in their life.

Source: AsiaNews

Moreover, it is the duty of every office bearer to ensure the level of literacy in their areas and work accordingly in order to save the future of thousands of impoverished and underprivileged citizens who have infinite capabilities to do something productive in their life.


In addition, constructive policies should be framed in order to eliminate the rote learning or cramming culture in colleges and universities which is one of the real causative factors behind shattering of many dexterous students.

Source: Arab News PK

Furthermore, skills development and professional advancement courses should be promoted in order to escalate the hard and soft skills of professional students studying in varsities and colleges.

Besides this, the modern curriculum should be replaced by the outdated curriculum which is hampering the creativity and critical thinking of students. The government should also ensure the better infrastructure of schools existing in remote or underdeveloped areas. Teacher training should be conducted in order to make them aware of the recent progress in the field of pedagogy.

To conclude, this world is called globalized due to Information and Technology, students can surf anything online in which they feel any hindrance. But this replacement does not mean that schools should be closed. Schools are better at polishing the talent of dynamic students because students will more responsible and active in school hours rather than lying on their bed and feels glued to technology which can have negative implications on health and mindset growth of young teenagers.

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