
This Indian Girl Wanted To Take Lahore From Pakistan After Kashmir Incident And Pakistanis Are Roasting Her -

This Indian Girl Wanted To Take Lahore From Pakistan After Kashmir Incident And Pakistanis Are Roasting Her!


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After partition, there were many people who were in favor of the move and there were others who were not! Well, that clan which was against the partition never got anywhere, because there was no going back. From those people, there is one very famous afsana nigar, Saadat Hassan Manto. It would be quite unfortunate if you live in the sub-continent and haven’t heard of him.

Just as many people he too was always against the partition and was assertive on his stance till his last breath! They had the idea that when Hindus and Muslim were living peacefully together before, they could have lived after the British rule ended. These people also back their argument by the fact that the partition created many issues.

Yesterday, in Kashmir, there were 46 casualties in Pulwama terror attack. After which Indians started showing their anger!

Here’s what this Indian girl said, and out of anger she demanded something that Pakistanis couldn’t handle and had to troll her!

Indian Girl Lahore - Parhlo

Billi k khuwab mein chichray! Wah!

Indian Girl Lahore - Parhlo

Oh, Lahore Qalandar is still not for sale bro!

Indian Girl Lahore - Parhlo

Another Indian demanded not just Lahore, but Karachi, Rawalpindi, Islamabad! This ain’t PUBG dear. 😀

Indian Girl Lahore - Parhlo

Why not! Akhir Lahore, Lahore aee! Pyara toh sabko hai. Indians ko bhi, *wink wink*

Indian Girl Lahore - Parhlo

Pakistani love Lahore like anything, so anyone who is eyeing Lahore will face the consequences. Pakistanis on twitter are having complete fun over the angry Indians, on the other hand, Indians can’t bring themselves over this fact.

Well, over these decades, there have been many causalities on both sides. Pakistan and India both have lost many soldiers, many precious lives. After all this, it never ends anywhere good, but it only creates more hate on both sides.

Having said that Kashmir has seen many such horrific incidents since the 1980s, but in recent years it has increased ten folds. In this recent incident, Pakistan is being blamed for it but the authorities have denied their part completely and obviously!

People of the Muslim neighborhood in Kashmir vandalized cars after this incident and authorities have imposed a curfew. What do you people think of this? Let us know in the comments below!

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