
Young Australian Men And Women Are Converting To Islam And It Is Absolutely Beautiful!


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According to a detailed report in the Australian media, a large number of young Aussie men and women have been leaving their own religion and converting to the most beautiful religion in the world, Islam.

The news report came as a segment in the Australian Current Affairs, where converts present multiple reasons as to what made them switch their religions and opt for Islam.


The young Aussies are giving up their Western lifestyle and adhering to the demands and commands of being a practicing Muslim. Waking up for Fajr, reading the Quran, wudhu, Roza, namaz, Zakat and even dreams of Hajj, they are doing it all. With women doing the Hijab and young Australian men following all other protocols of Sunnah, their parents and community have been left divided; while some are in awe, others are angry.

Watch the video for details:

They have changed their names, the way they lived, and also the way they looked at the importance and purpose of life. Most converts claim that ever since they have become Muslims, all the anxiety and stress from their lives have vanished and they can now see a clearer path and purpose of life.

Young convert women of Australia say that the Hijab has not been forced on them and this is their own choice, apart from the commands of Islam. Some parents have been supportive, while others have faced a backlash from their communities.

«They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.» Al-Quran | Surah As-Saf | Surah No: 61 | Verse: 8 |

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