
Khadim Rizvi Claims Media Is The Reason For Growing Sexual Frustration In Pakistan


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The recent and very unfortunate rape and murder case of 7-year-old Zainab has damaged the collective conscience of our society. After decades, an incident has caught such mass outrage, especially when it comes to rape and sexual frustration that has gripped our society.

Another new hit entry in Pakistan, Tehreek-e-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah’s Chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi, was countered by journalists questions at a press conference he had held to speak on the Kasur incident.


While he was talking about how the incident should be condemned, he was asked about an incident that took place last year, where an 8-year-old boy, who studied at a Madrassa was raped and murdered in the vicinity of the place where they taught the Quran.

To this, Khadim Hussain Rizvi, as always, got extremely angry. He went on to say that first, he did not want to talk about an incident that took place in a Madrassa; secondly, even if it did, the sole reason that these incidents take place in Pakistan is because of the media, which is the root cause of spreading sexual frustration in Pakistan.

According to Rizvi, tv channels showcase different scenes and scenarios that portray young girls differently, increasing the already stretched sexual tension and frustration in our society.

The media, however, was not amused with Rizvi’s answers and collectively looked very upset and his response. But, as always, Rizvi’s loud tone and frantic voice was enough to subdue any more questions on the Madrassa incident.

Even though Rizvi might be correct to a certain extent, but he is wrong in saying that media is the sole reason for sexual frustration in our society. Rape and harassment has been a part of Pakistan and the rest of the world for centuries, before media or the internet. Albeit, whatever the reason may be, our focus should only be on protecting our children from here on.

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